Chamber Board Presents New Mission Statement

When people first hear of the Chamber, their first question is often, “What is the chamber of commerce?” Most of the time, we stumble to find the right words and end up talking about our networking programs and that we help business.

Earlier this year, the Chamber Board of Directors set out to not only answer that question, but to create a clear, concise mission statement that identifies what the Hesperia Chamber is all about. In February, the Board spent a day with consultants from LF Leadership to work on developing the mission statement.

In June Matthew Hawkins, Chairman of the Board for FY11-12, shared the new mission statement with members.

The Hesperia Chamber of Commerce builds a thriving business community
through Education, Leadership, Promotion, and Networking opportunities.

The Board hopes to use the new mission statement to propel the organization forward in the future. It will be the foundation on which future endeavors will be built, and it will serve as the benchmark against which all current activities, programs, and services will be measured.

The acronym ELPN (Education, Leadership, Promotion, and Networking) makes it easy to remember what the Chamber does, and this mission is the first of many steps toward improving the organization and taking it to the next level.

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